In a time long past, a robot that resembled a human male was created in an unknown place. Its creator was afraid of the robot becoming violent. The robot was only given basic programming about what men do, and software that made him never hurt anyone else. The fake man had the ability to learn,…
Gold Reforged
Grandpa had a way with words. Just words though, he was crude about everything else. “You are still gold” He gave the best advice of his whole life. He only hoped she heard some of it. She looked at him briefly, more occupied with getting a blueberry bagel out of the package. “Grandpa, what does…
Against All Odds
October made the walk home scarier. The combination of the soon setting sun and Halloween sure did not help. Both boys were in fifth grade. If you asked them, they ruled the school. The pair used to be friends, now they just fought every chance they got. “You know about the shortcut through the woods?”…
We All Have Angels
In his own mind, he was grown up and was looking for his chance to prove it. For the first time in his young life, he saw the world be cruel to his friend. Not knowing how to help, he followed his gut feeling. Standing in front of a single-story house the long-haired teenager realized…
Battle at the Bridge
The forest was broken. All of nature’s peace shattered, all of the wildlife consumed by rage. Another creature was content in destruction, causing their own. The behemoth shattered what little wildlife was left. No one knew what caused the rage that destroyed so much. There was but one place for the creature to go. The…
Good Guys
The question burned within him. Soon it would become too hot to hold, leaping from his mouth and into the world to be misunderstood. There was only one person he could ask. A short freckled child waited for the perfect moment. Three more turns. Their family was almost always one of the first to arrive….
Pride Over Prizes
Are auditoriums always cold? She wondered, fidgeting with her short jagged nails. Sitting in the last seat of the row gave her comfort. In a line full of her peers, she still felt alone. Her aunt and uncle were somewhere in the back. Lost in a sea of figures that all looked the same. It…
When the Music Stopped
Anna stood tall, unaware of the growing smile on her face. Her aunt taught her so much! Now she was at home and could practice in her own room. The room itself was dimly lit. Two small lamps, both were old with stained shades, gave an even stranger look to the light red walls. Anna’s…
“Prove Your Heart”
The same dawn glistened over a small farm in Georgia. The sky was a perfect light blue, so commonplace that no one noticed. Even now, the sticky summer heat was rising. Today would be hotter than yesterday; if that was possible. She was speckled with sterling silver hair. Both paws stretched outward. Her dark brown…
Building the Future
Torbin sulked in his room. His favorite game was on, he even had the Xbox One controller in his left hand. He just did not accept the invite. The only light source in the room was a large fish tank. The heat lamp for the geckos gave off enough light. Two fans and a window…